Revolutionizing Surgical Education with a Secure OR Video Feed: VSURGIC™ Launches Innovative Mobile App “VSURGIC Cuts™”

May 16, 2024 – [Spokane, WA] – VSURGIC, a leading provider of cutting-edge communications solutions for the medical field, proudly announces the launch of its groundbreaking mobile application, VSURGIC Cuts. A secure, seamless platform connecting the OR and a vetted industry network, VSURGIC Cuts is poised to transform surgical education and collaboration, offering unprecedented accessibility and functionality for surgeons worldwide.

VSURGIC Cuts is a pioneering mobile app designed specifically for surgeons to archive their surgical procedure videos securely and efficiently. With a commitment to privacy and security, VSURGIC Cuts ensures full compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), safeguarding sensitive patient information at all times.

The central functionality of the app enables surgeons and sales professionals to seamlessly capture, and preserve surgical procedures directly from their mobile devices, thereby creating an extensive and readily available repository of educational materials. Users can effortlessly disseminate their experiences and methodologies with peers, facilitating real-time collaboration and knowledge sharing. Furthermore, the archived procedures can be distributed to others within the network, promoting fluid learning experiences and advancing professional development.

“Surgeons have long needed an innovative, friction-free way of sharing educational information with their peers and trainees,” said Dr. Paul Sethi, an orthopedic surgeon based in Stamford, CT. “VSURGIC Cuts addresses this challenge by empowering surgeons to archive their procedures and quickly collaborate with peers worldwide.”

Key features of VSURGIC Cuts include:

  • Seamless archiving: Users can easily upload and archive HD quality surgical procedure videos directly from their mobile device, ensuring 24/7 access to educational resources.
  • Real-time collaboration: Users can work jointly with colleagues in real-time, sharing insights and discussing surgical techniques through secure communication channels within the app.
  • Global accessibility: Archived procedures are accessible via the mobile app or desktop web portal from anywhere in the world, enabling users to stay connected and engaged with the latest advancements in their field.
  • Easy sharing: Users can readily share their archived procedures with other professionals on the network, expediting learning and professional development.
  • HIPAA compliance: VSURGIC Cuts prioritizes patient privacy and data security, adhering to strict HIPAA regulations to protect sensitive patient information.

“We are thrilled to introduce VSURGIC Cuts—a genuine step forward in medical education—to the surgical community,” said Lawrence Binder, CEO of VSURGIC. “This app represents a considerable milestone in our commitment to advancing surgical education and collaboration. By harnessing the capabilities of this technology, we aim to empower healthcare professionals to learn, teach, and innovate like never before.”

The introduction of VSURGIC Cuts marks a meaningful addition to the comprehensive ecosystem of content capture offerings within the VSURGIC platform. Complementing the full VSURGIC COR installation, the mobile app effortlessly integrates into the existing infrastructure, enhancing accessibility and flexibility.

The full VSURGIC installation provides a robust, centralized solution for content capture and management within surgical facilities. VSURGIC Cuts provides healthcare professionals with the ultimate mobility by enabling them to capture and archive surgical procedures directly from their mobile devices. This cohesive ecosystem ensures that regardless of location or setting, users have access to the tools they need to efficiently capture, share, and collaborate on surgical knowledge and expertise

VSURGIC Cuts, which is now available for purchase, puts a game-changing solution in the hands of healthcare professionals. From the app, surgeons can document procedures and create rich surgical content to enhance their personal brand—all while elevating patient care. For more information or to schedule a demonstration, visit

“No more scrolling through personal photos to share surgical content with colleagues,” adds Lawrence Binder. “VSURGIC Cuts eliminates the hassle of emailing large video files and allows users to share private secure links to their procedures with the click of a button.”


VSURGIC is a leading provider of communication solutions for the operating room and is dedicated to advancing surgical education and patient care. With a focus on innovation and collaboration, VSURGIC develops cutting-edge tools and platforms to empower surgeons and healthcare professionals worldwide.

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